136 research outputs found

    Mixture of normals probit models

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    This paper generalizes the normal probit model of dichotomous choice by introducing mixtures of normals distributions for the disturbance term. By mixing on both the mean and variance parameters and by increasing the number of distributions in the mixture these models effectively remove the normality assumption and are much closer to semiparametric models. When a Bayesian approach is taken, there is an exact finite-sample distribution theory for the choice probability conditional on the covariates. The paper uses artificial data to show how posterior odds ratios can discriminate between normal and nonnormal distributions in probit models. The method is also applied to female labor force participation decisions in a sample with 1,555 observations from the PSID. In this application, Bayes factors strongly favor mixture of normals probit models over the conventional probit model, and the most favored models have mixtures of four normal distributions for the disturbance term.Econometric models

    Simulation-based Bayesian inference for economic time series

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    This paper surveys recently developed methods for Bayesian inference and their use in economic time series models. It begins by reviewing aspects of Bayesian inference essential to understanding the implications of the Bayesian paradigm for time series analysis. It next describes the use of posterior simulators to solve otherwise intractable analytical problems. The theory and the computational advances are brought together in setting forth a practical framework for decision-making and forecasting. These developments are illustrated in the context of the vector autoregressions, stochastic volatility models, and models of changing regimes.Econometrics

    Variable selection and model comparison in regression

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    In the specification of linear regression models it is common to indicate a list of candidate variables from which a subset enters the model with nonzero coefficients. This paper interprets this specification as a mixed continuous-discrete prior distribution for coefficient values. It then utilizes a Gibbs sampler to construct posterior moments. It is shown how this method can incorporate sign constraints and provide posterior probabilities for all possible subsets of regressors. The methods are illustrated using some standard data sets.Regression analysis

    Bayesian inference for linear models subject to linear inequality constraints

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    The normal linear model, with sign or other linear inequality constraints on its coefficients, arises very commonly in many scientific applications. Given inequality constraints Bayesian inference is much simpler than classical inference, but standard Bayesian computational methods become impractical when the posterior probability of the inequality constraints (under a diffuse prior) is small. This paper shows how the Gibbs sampling algorithm can provide an alternative, attractive approach to inference subject to linear inequality constraints in this situation, and how the GHK probability simulator may be used to assess the posterior probability of the constraints.Econometric models

    Posterior simulators in econometrics

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    Econometric models

    Predicting turning points

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    This paper presents a new method for predicting turning points. The paper formally defines a turning point; develops a probit model for estimating the probability of a turning point; and then examines both the in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting performance of the model. The model performs better than some other methods for predicting turning points.Econometric models

    Prior density ratio class robustness in econometrics

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    This paper provides a general and efficient method for computing density ratio class bounds on posterior moments, given the output of a posterior simulator. It shows how density ratio class bounds for posterior odds ratios may be formed in many situations, also on the basis of posterior simulator output. The computational method is used to provide density ratio class bounds in two econometric models. It is found that the exact bounds are approximated poorly by their asymptotic approximation, when the posterior distribution of the function of interest is skewed. It is also found that posterior odds ratios display substantial variation within the density ratio class, in ways that cannot be anticipated by the asymptotic approximation.Econometrics

    Statistical inference in the multinomial multiperiod probit model

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    Statistical inference in multinomial multiperiod probit models has been hindered in the past by the high dimensional numerical integrations necessary to form the likelihood functions, posterior distributions, or moment conditions in these models. We describe three alternative approaches to inference that circumvent the integration problem: Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling and data augmentation to compute posterior moments, simulated maximum likelihood (SML) estimation using the GHK recursive probability simulator, and method of simulated moment (MSM) estimation using the GHK simulator. We perform a set of Monte-Carlo experiments to compare the performance of these approaches. Although all the methods perform reasonably well, some important differences emerge. The root mean square errors (RMSEs) of the SML parameter estimates around the data generating values exceed those of the MSM estimates by 21 percent on average, while the RMSEs of the MSM estimates exceed those of the posterior parameter means obtained via agreement via Gibbs sampling by 18 percent on average. While MSM produces a good agreement between empirical RMSEs and asymptotic standard errors, the RMSEs of the SML estimates exceed the asymptotic standard errors by 28 percent on average. Also, the SML estimates of serial correlation parameters exhibit significant downward bias.Econometric models